St Martin’s Group Publishes Overcoming Barriers to Opportunity Report

The St Martin’s Group has published a new report highlighting the need to protect and expand apprenticeship opportunities in the UK. The report, titled “Overcoming barriers to opportunity; Stimulating Growth and Unlocking Supply in UK Apprenticeships,” underscores the growing demand for apprenticeships and the critical steps needed to meet this demand.

Against a backdrop of skills reform, with the introduction of the new Growth and Skills Levy and establishment of Skills England, there is a risk that apprenticeship numbers decline as employers opt for alternative training pathways for their workforce. Yet, as the report shows, there are not enough apprenticeships to meet current demand, and this is set to increase.

Key findings include:

  • In 2023, half a million of the 1.3 million individuals registered with UCAS expressed interest in apprenticeships, of which around 357,000 are domiciled in the UK. This far exceeds the available opportunities.
  • Currently, for every apprentice start, there are a further four young people interested in that opportunity.
  • By 2030, it is forecasted that this could increase by an additional 160,000 individuals.
  • The ratio of interested individuals to actual starts will be felt more acutely at certain levels, in certain industries, and in different regions of the country.
  • Individuals from disadvantaged areas are more likely to express an interest in apprenticeships than their less disadvantaged peers yet remain underrepresented in apprenticeship starts.
  • Employers, especially SMEs, are still facing significant barriers in creating the opportunities to meet the demand.
View the full report here