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A Manifesto Roundup

Last week saw the three main political parties, The Conservatives, The Labour Party and The Liberal Democrats, all release manifestos which set out their proposed policy platforms.
For each Party, this was an opportunity to present its vision for the country and to…

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The St Martin’s Group’s reaction to the local elections

The local elections earlier this month appeared to have shone a light on the path to potential victory that Labour will try to go down at the general election, recently announced for the 4th July. A set of disappointing results for the Conservatives saw the party lose 474 councillors, making…

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Celebrating National Careers Week with UCAS

National Careers Week is a crucial initiative aimed at promoting and highlighting the significance of career development and guidance for individuals of all ages. This annual event brings together schools, colleges, employers and career professionals…

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Spring Budget: The St Martin’s Group Roundup

Yesterday, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, delivered his Spring Budget in the House of Commons. This is likely to be the last fiscal event before the general election, which is now firmly expected towards the end of 2024…

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Post-conference analysis

As the dust (or glitter) settles on conference season, it is becoming clear that Further Education (FE) and the skills agenda have been established as a key political battleground in the run up to the next general election…

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